Author: Stephen Ricker

BDBD is Psalm 48:1-3

The previous psalm has the Lord, the Great Most High God entering his temple on Mount Zion. Beneath the temple is the City of David where the people of Jerusalem lived. The Lord God is praised and worshiped in the temple Solomon built in Jerusalem. Though God dwells in heaven and his presence is in […]

BDBD is Psalm 47:7-9

“God is King of all the earth” is again proclaimed in the present absolute and adoration in Psalm and song is again commanded. More truths follow the jubilant proclamation of the heavenly monarchy. A key one “all the earth” is defined as “the nations” from the Hebrew “goy” meaning the Gentles, The people of the […]

BDBD is Psalm 47:5-6

The pinnacle of this praise and adoration psalm are verses 5 and 6. The Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth has ascended to his throne in the temple with the sounding of trumpets (ram’s horns). The psalm was penned by The Sons of Korah for the dedication of the Temple during […]

BDBD is Psalm 47:2-4

The LORD Most High in the original Hebrew is “YHWH Elyon”. “Elyon” emphasizes the exalted nature of God who controls the destiny of the universe, all nations, and all individuals. (Genesis 14:18-20; Psalm 78:34-35) “YHWH” emphasizes the covenant God of Israel, referring to Moses’ burning yet not consumed bush incident. (Exodus 3:14) Indeed, God is […]

BDBD is Psalm 47:1

Here is the command of the Lord God Most High, “Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy.” One might think that this is a ridiculous command because for sure, everyone will clamp and shout because they have joy in the Lord. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians […]

BDBD is Psalm 46:8-11

These verses are a bit of a mystery to me at this time. Each verse has a meaning that I understand and accept. However, I am having trouble understanding them as a collective whole. How are they bound? How does one rely on and build on the prior? Martin Luther was so inspired by this […]

BDBD is Psalm 46:4-7

The Spirit of God is the river whose streams make glad the children of God in the city of God. The Spirit of God flows like a river. Jerusalem had no river like Babylon, Ninevah, or Thebes. Yet, the Spirit of God is better because it will never fail to supply refreshment and blessing. The […]

BDBD is Psalm 46:1-3

I can imagine and have experienced many kinds of trouble. Much of my planning includes avoiding troubles that never transpire. The ones in these verses are so unlikely that I do not bother planning for them. The earth giving way during an earthquake or volcano eruption, the mountains falling into the sea, and the waters […]

BDBD is Psalm 45:10-17

The psalm shifts to the glorious princess on her wedding day. The bride is to forget her people and her father’s house (10). This does not mean that she has the ability to remove memories. Rather, she is to cease to care for nor have loyalty to her father. She is to become loyal to […]

BDBD is Psalm 45:1-9

Psalm 45 is a wedding song penned for the matrimony ceremony between King Solomon and Pharaoh’s daughter. The author, so filled with the Spirit’s joy was almost giddy in forming the words (1). The psalm is a synonym for the wedding between Jesus and the church. The King embodies great splendor, majesty, and glory as […]

BDBD is Psalm 44:23-26

The author has a final plea to the Lord Jesus. The Sons of Korah appeals for his help. They are his people. They are in need. They have endured. The Lord has brought about this calamity. They have not lost faith. The Lord has been asleep. “Arise… Do not reject us forever.” They are waiting […]

BDBD is Psalm 44:22

“Yet for your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” Apostle Paul quoted this stanza to the persecuted congregation in Rome. (Romans 8:36) Like the Sons of Korah had been removed from worship and service at the temple in Jerusalem by an enemy, the Christian congregation in […]

BDBD is Psalm 44:17-22

I accepted Jesus as my personal absolute Lord and Savior four decades ago. Shall I say it has been forty days and forty nights? I accepted the covenant of the blood and flesh of the Lord Jesus, (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) as the author, the Sons of Korah accepted the covenant of Moses in their youth. […]

BDBD is Psalm 44:15-16

Feeling sad for someone’s misfortunes is one thing. However, doing something to help them is quite another thing. Is identifying with someone by feeling bad for them while doing nothing anything? For me, yes. For them, no. Compassion is better than indifference. And indifference to suffering is no different than revenge. Wanting revenge against someone […]

BDBD is Psalm 44:9-14

The Lord disciplined Israel through the invading enemy. As the author of Hebrews wrote, “And you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons: “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he […]

BDBD is Psalm 44:6-8

Grasping a tool in hand, I will not trust. Possess a skill of mind, I do not boast. Victory be not mine, Though I have the most. Jesus fought the enemy. Jesus won the victory. Jesus prayed at Gethsemane. Jesus hung at Calvary. Jesus rose to triumph for me. Jesus ascend holy be he. The […]

BDBD is Psalm 44:4-5

The modern-day reader of the Bible may repeat the phrase, “You are my King and my God,” however, what it meant to the Sons of Korah is probably not the same to modern-day parishioners. Few live in a society these days that is monarch-ruled. A king or queen is one by birth and by hereditary […]

BDBD is Psalm 44:1-3

The Sons of Korah wrote this prayer for the nation to pray collectively. The occasion is an invasion. When ancient nations marched out toward their neighbors to invade them, it was not a fast-moving event. Rather, the army’s invasion was a slow-paced caravan. News of an invasion spread quickly. When people living and working in […]

BDBD is Psalm 43:4-5

The author is searching for hope. Hope for a return to a time when he was happy. A time when he did what he desired. He desired to praise the Lord with the harp, his stringed musical instrument. He desired to be able to go to the altar of God as he had once before. […]

BDBD is Psalm 43:1-3

With prayers and petitions to the Lord God Almighty, I am transposed to the realm of the kingdom of heaven, standing in the court of Jesus the Messiah. Though my body remains where I pray, my immortal essence is brought to the court of the kingdom of God. A brilliant cloud of light envelopes all […]

BDBD is Psalm 42:9-11

Jacob wrestled with God physically, perhaps along with the soul’s wrestling. The Sons of Korah wrestle with God and themselves mentally. When Jesus asked his disciples and the religious leaders questions he wanted them to struggle mentally with the hope they would come to logical and wise conclusions. “Who do people say that I am?” […]

BDBD is Psalm 42:7-8

The author imagines themself at the base of a dry waterfall in a deep mountain crevis or narrow valley. Above the Lord God has a great store of love and wealth. The Lord opens the floodgate a little releasing his cash onto the deeply depressed turmoil, the oppressed, the weak, and the weary. The bone-dry […]

BDBD is Psalm 42:4-6

Memory can bring hope and new life or it can stifle a once productive life. The Sons of Korah remember a far-back time of celebration, thanksgiving, and joy. The Israelites celebrated seven annual feasts established by the Lord God through Moses. (Leviticus 23; Deuteronomy 16:1-17) The Levites lead a great progression to the house of […]

BDBD is Psalm 42:3

One person hears from strangers, “Where is your God?” Another hears from family and friends, “Where is your God?” A third hears from self, “Where is your God?” When troubled times flow like tearless infant cries the air fills with confused and faithless questions. A righteous person such as Job may follow up with, “But […]

BDBD is Psalm 42:1-2

The relationship between the Lord Jesus and his people is the essence of absolute need. We need his love. We need his power. We need his life. We need his light. We need his discipline. We need his counsel. We need his compassion. We need his wisdom. We need him. The relationship between the Lord […]

BDBD is Psalms 42:5, 11 & 43:5

Psalms 42 and 43 are a single prayer of the sons of Korah. The Korahite clans are descendants of Korah, a grandson of Levi the high priest of the Lord, the brother of Moses. (Exodus 6:16, 18, 21, 24, 26-27; Numbers 16:1) The Korahite clans along with the rest of the Levites are allotted forty-eight […]

BDBD is Psalm 41:10-13

David prays with confidence. He believes in the Lord Jesus’ love, justice, and power. He knows that the Lord loves and is full of compassion and mercy. His trust and faith in the Lord God are completed with an answer as he desires. Jesus gave a parable to his disciples to show that they should […]

BDBD is Psalm 41:9

Jesus quoted this verse when he revealed to his disciples that one of them was going to betray him. (John 13:18-21) Jesus, the Son of David experienced the betrayal of a close friend as his forefather David had. If that is true of the Son of God, then I should not be surprised when someone […]

BDBD is Psalm 41:5-8

David confessed that he had sinned. The vile disease that befell him was the result of his sin. His enemies were happy because they believed he was about to die. Every one of these four verses is a different way his enemies used their voices to speak against him. The first is verbally expressing their […]

BDBD is Psalm 41:2-3

Living with an illness that just will not go away will affect the soul as much as the body. The words in these verses are reassuring. The Lord Jesus will protect. The Lord will preserve life. The Lord Jesus will sustain while on a sick bed. God will restore him from his bed of illness. […]

BDBD is Psalm 41:1

Psalm 41 is the last in the Psalter’s first book (scroll), the scroll of David’s psalms. It is also the last of four where David prays for mercy when seriously ill caused by his sin. As in the previous three, his enemies greet the prospect of his death with joy and his close friends lift […]

BDBD is Psalm 40:16-17

The Lord be exalted! This be my praise. The Lord is great! This be my anthem. The Lord be magnified! This be my song. The Lord is gladness. The Lord be my joy The Lord is salvation. The Lord thinks of me though I be poor and needy. The Lord is my helper. The Lord […]

BDBD is Psalm 40:13-15

Life dregs accumulate from sin, infirmities, and pestilence that float in the human soul. Their multiplication due to repetitional use clogs the heart’s arteries and bursts the aneurysms in the mind. Religious doctors reach into pockets while promising undelivered salvation. Sins overtake the blind patient. Laying on death’s sharp bed of nails only one prayer […]

BDBD is Psalm 40:11-12

The perception of David I had before studying this psalms and the previous two was a stately greater-than-life man; a warrior, king, musician, poet, romantic, and religious hero. However, his own words especially in Psalms 38, 39, and now this psalm reveal that he made many mistakes and committed sins often (12). David is now […]

BDBD is Psalm 40:9-10

A sin exists that is often committed, even by some religious elite. The sin destroys society and causes stalemate in families. Were it studied by sociologists they would see that in societies this begins to increase, that society darkens, and in societies that do not commit this sin, that society becomes the light of the […]

BDBD is Psalm 40:6-8

The letter to the Hebrews 10:5-7 quotes these verses since they are prophecies about Jesus the Messiah. “Therefore, when Christ came into the world, he said: ‘Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; with burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased. Then I said, ‘Here I […]

BDBD is Psalm 40:4-5

“Blessed” (“esher” in the original Hebrew) is used often in the Psalter (1:1, 2:12, 32:1,2, 33:12, 34:8, 37:24. etc.). Esher is also translated into English as happy. The AHD defines blessed as “bringing happiness, pleasure, or contentment”. In these verses, it is defined as “the man who makes the LORD his trust, who does not […]

BDBD is Psalm 40:2-3

David is announcing a recent deliverance executed by the Lord his God. The deliverance story begins with him mentally recanting the past, other times when he waited for the Lord to hear his prayer for deliverance. When trouble befell he waited for the Lord’s answer. While doing so, just as in this time his memory […]

BDBD is Psalm 40:1

Perhaps this should be titled, “The way of the cross leads home,” the title of an old hymn. Psalms 38, 39, 40, and 41 are similar in theme. David is reporting a past event; the Lord’s forgiveness of sin committed and the persecution that followed, just as in the other three psalms. The events he […]

BDBD is Psalm 39:12-13

At the beginning of the psalm, David recalls the reason and effects of his silence before the wicked and before God. Now David is mooing his plea to the Lord. To pray is better than silence. The Lord already knows, why be silent? Help is just a prayer away. The Lord is not deaf. He […]

BDBD is Psalm 39:9-11

David confesses his sin. He indirectly was the cause of the illness. David sinned and the Lord disciplined him as a good father does. The discipline was the illness. The illness was a near-death moment. David did not say anything when disciplined. He and those around him knew he had sinned and knew the Lord […]

BDBD is Psalm 39:7-8

What is hope? Is it desire? A dream? A wish? An expectation? Hope is my soul looking forward to and expecting something better, something truly satisfying in a time to come. When the next moment is death and when looking into the soul’s transgressions and the vanity of life already passed, what can one hope […]

BDBD is Psalm 39:6

David’s confessed fiery soul contemplation compelled by a sin-generated mental turmoil had altered David’s life perspective. The confession in verses 4 and 5 is continued in verse 6. The fast-approaching consumption of life and the unimportance of past actions had obtained his full attention. Grave sin and dire illness will alter a person’s perception of […]

BDBD is Psalm 39:4-5

David has a nagging thought that induces so much anguish when he holds it in he nearly explodes. He did not want to sin by saying something sinful before the wicked in his presence or before his God. So he held it in. Yet, he could not for his distressed heart burned like a consuming […]

BDBD is Psalm 39:1-3

Keeping a burning thought and questions inside will irritate the soul. Like a hot volcano, the pressure builds needing more and more soil to keep the heat hidden and buried. Whereas in the previous psalm, David kept his mouth shut before his accusers, here David also keeps his mouth shut before God. David vowed to […]

BDBD is Psalm 38:21-22

David sinned. His confession and request followed. The dual-verse stanza conclusion sums up the entire appeal, “Do not forsake me, be not far from me, come quickly to help me.” David’s request is to the LORD, his God and Savior. David has prayed “Do not be far from me” in earlier Psalms 22:19 and 35:22. […]

BDBD is Psalm 38:17-20

David sinned. He followed the way of the righteous when they sin. He confessed his iniquity (gross immorality and injustice) to God and he was troubled with his sin. As David would have read in Leviticus 5:5-6 “When anyone is guilty in any of these ways, he must confess in what way he has sinned […]

BDBD is Psalm 38:13-16

David sinned. The Lord is disciplining him with a painful illness. His enemies are using these as a means to dispose of him. Sometimes no defense, answers, or rebuttals are the only things that can be done. That is what David is saying in verses. The only things I can do when much is taken […]

BDBD is Psalm 38:9-12

David sinned. God knew and so did everyone else. David’s sin caused physical wounds. His friends avoided him. His enemies set their traps. They plot deception. God knows when I sin. My sins are no surprise to the Lord Jesus. God knows what my sin does to me. Consequences do not startle God. “All my […]

BDBD is Psalm 38:5-8

David sinned, the devastating physical and psychological effects of his illness as a result of sin are conveyed in detail. His wounds fester and are loathsome. He is bowed down and mourns all day long. His lower back is searing pain. He is feeble and utterly crushed. Anguish of heart groans do not cease. David […]

BDBD is Psalm 38:1-4

David sinned, the details of which are not specified in this penetrative petition. The results are his guilt overwhelms him, God disciplines him in his wrath, and he is physically suffering. Many reasons for physical illness and pain exist including because of God’s wrath. God disciplines his children in many ways including retribution for sin […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:37-40

The ultimate contrast presented in the psalm is repeated again at the end. The blameless, upright, and peacemaker has an eternal future. The sinners and wicked will be cut off. I am told to observe the upright. Who are the upright? The autistic child sitting alone in the school cafeteria is righteous. The small girl […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:35-36

David, the author of the psalm repeats the theme concerning the wicked and ruthless sure to perminate end. He states that he has personally witnessed an example in his life. He knew an evil man who had everything most people desire to have; wealth, power, success, health, fame, and even some admiration. He flourished like […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:34

The promise is made, “Wait for the LORD and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are cut off, you will see it.” Believing this from my heart is of great importance. I will see the day of judgment fulfilled with my own eyes. Do I believe it […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:32-33

The wind hurls snow and unearthly low howls at a thin wall charging me to stay under the protection of a comforter. Hallo whines forewarning, “He lies in wait near the village; from ambush he murders the innocent, watching in secret for his victim. He lies in wait like a lion in cover; he lies […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:30-31

Jesus told his disciples after he rose from the dead to spread the good news to the ends of the earth. They did though all of them were threatened to the point of death often. Their mouths uttered wisdom though persecuted. Their tongues spoke justice though their bodies ached. They loved Jesus and his words. […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:27-29

The direction toward truth is often repeated in the Bible as presented in these two verses. (Psalm 34:14, 102:28; Deuteronomy 31:6; Hebrews 13:5) A word for turn away from evil, do what is good is repent. The gospel includes the need to feel remorse, contrition, and self-reproach for what one has done or failed to […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:25-26

Fear of an unknown future drives people to do things that they will later regret and be ashamed of. Yet, fear of an unknown future is not the root of the problem. Fear of the unknown future is because people do not believe in the one and only God who they chose not to know […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:23-24

A long-time best-selling fictitious book “The Pilgrim’s Progress (from This World to That Which Is to Come)” by John Bunyan was published in 1678. It tells the journey of a man named Christian who makes his way to a pivotal decision before Jesus on the cross part way through his journey. Christian leaves his heavy […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:20-22

How do I use that which the Lord is giving me? How do I interact with others with that which the Lord gave me? Am I honest? Do I make agreements with no intent in keeping them? Do I borrow and not repay? Do I take from others for selfish reasons? Do I give generously? […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:18-19

Perfect, in general meaning “lacking nothing essentially to the whole” and perfection, in general meaning “the quality or condition of being perfect”. These are what the righteous (12, 14, 16, 25, 29, 30, 32, 39) are portrayed as in verse 18. The Lord God Almighty paints the image of the righteous with paint and brush […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:16-17

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts,” declares the LORD. (Isaiah 55:8-9) This would be true for many, perhaps even myself when reading verses 16 and 17. […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:14-15

Several particulars about the wicked and righteous are presented in 14 and 15. The wicked are violent and militant. They intend to kill and destroy. Their heart lashes out against the poor and needy. They have little compassion beyond themselves. Their ultimate solution is to slaughter those whose way is upright. Yet, the weapons of […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:12-13

The Lord God cursed the serpent saying, “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” (Genesis 3:15) “Enmity” in Hebrew is “eba” (a transliteration). It means hostility and hatred. A continual spiritual battle is going on. […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:10-11

The contrast between the wicked and the righteous continues in these two verses. The end to the wicked is stated with certainty. That they will be no more is an absolute promise. They will vanish like the fog on an early fall morning, like the stars at dawn. Not even a trace of the wicked […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:7-9

The ability to calmly await an outcome or a result is considered a virtue. Bearing and enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, and annoyance with calmness are said to be Christ-like. Forbearance is a skill to be learned. That is why it is so rare. Impatience and defiance are easy. Anyone can portray those. However, being patient […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:5-6

Worrying about the future of self is common to the human race. Trusting that the Lord God will act on the person who trusts in him is not. Worrying is in my nature. Trusting that I will not be taken care of is not in my nature. This truth about human nature causes the soul […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:3-4

If you do these things, then this will happen. This is what these verses seem to say. Is this the recipe for a reciprocating correlational relationship? Or the results of life choices because that is how God made the world to exist? I am told to do two things in these two verses. First, Trust […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:1-2

Psalm 37, an alphabetic acrostic (with irregularity) is an instruction in godly living. The dominant theme is who will rise from the dead to inherit the land, the wicked or the righteous. The answer is found in the contrasting beginning and ending, 1-2 and 39-40. Verses 1-2 speak of the brevity of the evil whereas […]

BDBD is Psalm 36:10-11

David, the author prays concerning the proud wicked evildoers. He desires that they be driven away. Did he actually witness that at the end of his trial they lie fallen and were not able to rise? Did he see that they had physically died? Perhaps. Most definitely David is prophesying about the final judgment. A […]

BDBD is Psalm 36:10

What does it mean to know someone? When I say, “I know him or her,” what am I saying? Am I saying I know something about them? Or perhaps, am I perceiving things about them? Maybe I am even saying, “I know all about them. I know how they think, what motivates them, their fears, […]

BDBD is Psalm 36:9

“In Your light, we will see light” is poetry magnificent. Yet, it can bewilder the impatient reader. God’s glory is described as brilliant light. (Exodus 16:7,10; 40:34-35) Moses thought it was a burning bush that was not consumed. “To the Israelites the glory of the LORD looked like a consuming fire on top of the […]

BDBD is Psalm 36:7-8

A blazing sun, rain from clouds, hawks above, and prowling foxes and cats frighten young chicks. Everything frightens chicks that have only been hatched a few days prior. Fluffy feathers are no protection from danger and evil. Screeching skies, screams in a forest night, and meows from tall grasses are terrifying. Refuge is found under […]