Author: Stephen Ricker

BDBD is Psalm 39:9-11

David confesses his sin. He indirectly was the cause of the illness. David sinned and the Lord disciplined him as a good father does. The discipline was the illness. The illness was a near-death moment. David did not say anything when disciplined. He and those around him knew he had sinned and knew the Lord […]

BDBD is Psalm 39:7-8

What is hope? Is it desire? A dream? A wish? An expectation? Hope is my soul looking forward to and expecting something better, something truly satisfying in a time to come. When the next moment is death and when looking into the soul’s transgressions and the vanity of life already passed, what can one hope […]

BDBD is Psalm 39:6

David’s confessed fiery soul contemplation compelled by a sin-generated mental turmoil had altered David’s life perspective. The confession in verses 4 and 5 is continued in verse 6. The fast-approaching consumption of life and the unimportance of past actions had obtained his full attention. Grave sin and dire illness will alter a person’s perception of […]

BDBD is Psalm 39:4-5

David has a nagging thought that induces so much anguish when he holds it in he nearly explodes. He did not want to sin by saying something sinful before the wicked in his presence or before his God. So he held it in. Yet, he could not for his distressed heart burned like a consuming […]

BDBD is Psalm 39:1-3

Keeping a burning thought and questions inside will irritate the soul. Like a hot volcano, the pressure builds needing more and more soil to keep the heat hidden and buried. Whereas in the previous psalm, David kept his mouth shut before his accusers, here David also keeps his mouth shut before God. David vowed to […]

BDBD is Psalm 38:21-22

David sinned. His confession and request followed. The dual-verse stanza conclusion sums up the entire appeal, “Do not forsake me, be not far from me, come quickly to help me.” David’s request is to the LORD, his God and Savior. David has prayed “Do not be far from me” in earlier Psalms 22:19 and 35:22. […]

BDBD is Psalm 38:17-20

David sinned. He followed the way of the righteous when they sin. He confessed his iniquity (gross immorality and injustice) to God and he was troubled with his sin. As David would have read in Leviticus 5:5-6 “When anyone is guilty in any of these ways, he must confess in what way he has sinned […]

BDBD is Psalm 38:13-16

David sinned. The Lord is disciplining him with a painful illness. His enemies are using these as a means to dispose of him. Sometimes no defense, answers, or rebuttals are the only things that can be done. That is what David is saying in verses. The only things I can do when much is taken […]

BDBD is Psalm 38:9-12

David sinned. God knew and so did everyone else. David’s sin caused physical wounds. His friends avoided him. His enemies set their traps. They plot deception. God knows when I sin. My sins are no surprise to the Lord Jesus. God knows what my sin does to me. Consequences do not startle God. “All my […]

BDBD is Psalm 38:5-8

David sinned, the devastating physical and psychological effects of his illness as a result of sin are conveyed in detail. His wounds fester and are loathsome. He is bowed down and mourns all day long. His lower back is searing pain. He is feeble and utterly crushed. Anguish of heart groans do not cease. David […]

BDBD is Psalm 38:1-4

David sinned, the details of which are not specified in this penetrative petition. The results are his guilt overwhelms him, God disciplines him in his wrath, and he is physically suffering. Many reasons for physical illness and pain exist including because of God’s wrath. God disciplines his children in many ways including retribution for sin […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:37-40

The ultimate contrast presented in the psalm is repeated again at the end. The blameless, upright, and peacemaker has an eternal future. The sinners and wicked will be cut off. I am told to observe the upright. Who are the upright? The autistic child sitting alone in the school cafeteria is righteous. The small girl […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:35-36

David, the author of the psalm repeats the theme concerning the wicked and ruthless sure to perminate end. He states that he has personally witnessed an example in his life. He knew an evil man who had everything most people desire to have; wealth, power, success, health, fame, and even some admiration. He flourished like […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:34

The promise is made, “Wait for the LORD and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are cut off, you will see it.” Believing this from my heart is of great importance. I will see the day of judgment fulfilled with my own eyes. Do I believe it […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:32-33

The wind hurls snow and unearthly low howls at a thin wall charging me to stay under the protection of a comforter. Hallo whines forewarning, “He lies in wait near the village; from ambush he murders the innocent, watching in secret for his victim. He lies in wait like a lion in cover; he lies […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:30-31

Jesus told his disciples after he rose from the dead to spread the good news to the ends of the earth. They did though all of them were threatened to the point of death often. Their mouths uttered wisdom though persecuted. Their tongues spoke justice though their bodies ached. They loved Jesus and his words. […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:27-29

The direction toward truth is often repeated in the Bible as presented in these two verses. (Psalm 34:14, 102:28; Deuteronomy 31:6; Hebrews 13:5) A word for turn away from evil, do what is good is repent. The gospel includes the need to feel remorse, contrition, and self-reproach for what one has done or failed to […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:25-26

Fear of an unknown future drives people to do things that they will later regret and be ashamed of. Yet, fear of an unknown future is not the root of the problem. Fear of the unknown future is because people do not believe in the one and only God who they chose not to know […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:23-24

A long-time best-selling fictitious book “The Pilgrim’s Progress (from This World to That Which Is to Come)” by John Bunyan was published in 1678. It tells the journey of a man named Christian who makes his way to a pivotal decision before Jesus on the cross part way through his journey. Christian leaves his heavy […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:20-22

How do I use that which the Lord is giving me? How do I interact with others with that which the Lord gave me? Am I honest? Do I make agreements with no intent in keeping them? Do I borrow and not repay? Do I take from others for selfish reasons? Do I give generously? […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:18-19

Perfect, in general meaning “lacking nothing essentially to the whole” and perfection, in general meaning “the quality or condition of being perfect”. These are what the righteous (12, 14, 16, 25, 29, 30, 32, 39) are portrayed as in verse 18. The Lord God Almighty paints the image of the righteous with paint and brush […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:16-17

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts,” declares the LORD. (Isaiah 55:8-9) This would be true for many, perhaps even myself when reading verses 16 and 17. […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:14-15

Several particulars about the wicked and righteous are presented in 14 and 15. The wicked are violent and militant. They intend to kill and destroy. Their heart lashes out against the poor and needy. They have little compassion beyond themselves. Their ultimate solution is to slaughter those whose way is upright. Yet, the weapons of […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:12-13

The Lord God cursed the serpent saying, “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” (Genesis 3:15) “Enmity” in Hebrew is “eba” (a transliteration). It means hostility and hatred. A continual spiritual battle is going on. […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:10-11

The contrast between the wicked and the righteous continues in these two verses. The end to the wicked is stated with certainty. That they will be no more is an absolute promise. They will vanish like the fog on an early fall morning, like the stars at dawn. Not even a trace of the wicked […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:7-9

The ability to calmly await an outcome or a result is considered a virtue. Bearing and enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, and annoyance with calmness are said to be Christ-like. Forbearance is a skill to be learned. That is why it is so rare. Impatience and defiance are easy. Anyone can portray those. However, being patient […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:5-6

Worrying about the future of self is common to the human race. Trusting that the Lord God will act on the person who trusts in him is not. Worrying is in my nature. Trusting that I will not be taken care of is not in my nature. This truth about human nature causes the soul […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:3-4

If you do these things, then this will happen. This is what these verses seem to say. Is this the recipe for a reciprocating correlational relationship? Or the results of life choices because that is how God made the world to exist? I am told to do two things in these two verses. First, Trust […]

BDBD is Psalm 37:1-2

Psalm 37, an alphabetic acrostic (with irregularity) is an instruction in godly living. The dominant theme is who will rise from the dead to inherit the land, the wicked or the righteous. The answer is found in the contrasting beginning and ending, 1-2 and 39-40. Verses 1-2 speak of the brevity of the evil whereas […]

BDBD is Psalm 36:10-11

David, the author prays concerning the proud wicked evildoers. He desires that they be driven away. Did he actually witness that at the end of his trial they lie fallen and were not able to rise? Did he see that they had physically died? Perhaps. Most definitely David is prophesying about the final judgment. A […]

BDBD is Psalm 36:10

What does it mean to know someone? When I say, “I know him or her,” what am I saying? Am I saying I know something about them? Or perhaps, am I perceiving things about them? Maybe I am even saying, “I know all about them. I know how they think, what motivates them, their fears, […]

BDBD is Psalm 36:9

“In Your light, we will see light” is poetry magnificent. Yet, it can bewilder the impatient reader. God’s glory is described as brilliant light. (Exodus 16:7,10; 40:34-35) Moses thought it was a burning bush that was not consumed. “To the Israelites the glory of the LORD looked like a consuming fire on top of the […]

BDBD is Psalm 36:7-8

A blazing sun, rain from clouds, hawks above, and prowling foxes and cats frighten young chicks. Everything frightens chicks that have only been hatched a few days prior. Fluffy feathers are no protection from danger and evil. Screeching skies, screams in a forest night, and meows from tall grasses are terrifying. Refuge is found under […]

BDBD is Psalm 36:5-6

Four attributes of God are revealed; love, faithfulness, righteousness, and justice. Without one there is not the other. They are codependent. They encompass all the realms of creation. Human existence is not complete without them. The human heart cries when even one is missing. Without all the human spirit is dead. The glory of God […]

BDBD is Psalm 36:3-4

The sinfulness of the wicked is further described. These are the results of a person who does not fear God. The words they speak are wicked, malicious, and deceitful. (3, 10:7) They cannot be trusted. Their speech is riddled with deception. They are not wise. They do not act wisely. They do not do good. […]

BDBD is Psalm 36:2

Reaction comes from action. Action comes from the thought. Thought comes from the heart. Verse 2 is the thought coming from the heart defined in verse 1. What is the action of such thinking? Then what is God’s reaction to those actions? For every action, there is a reaction. Self-flattery has a self-reaction. The self-reaction […]

BDBD is Psalm 36:1

An oracle about the wicked came to David’s heart. An oracle is a command or revelation from God through the works of the Holy Spirit. Those anointed with the Spirit of God are in communion with God Almighty. Among other things, God speaks to those he is in communion with usually within our soul; that […]

BDBD is Psalm 35:26-28

Enemies of the children of God will express great, often malicious, pleasure and self-satisfaction when they see the children of God in distress, especially due to their actions and lies. When this happened to David he asked that his enemies be put to shame, confusion, and disgrace when he was vindicated. And David was vindicated. […]

BDBD is Psalm 35:22-25

The Lord sees and yet he is silent. He waits. He knows and yet he does nothing. He remains far from me. The Lord appears to sleep while I am in distress. I am falsely put to shame and disgrace and the Lord does not defend me. This is what David experienced. This is what […]

BDBD is Psalm 35:19-22

Jesus quoted verse 19 to his apostles on the night he was betrayed. John 15:25 records his word, “But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’” (John 15:25) Enemies without cause and hate without reason are common in the Psalter. (38:19, 69:4, 109:3, 119:78, 86, 161, and […]

BDBD is Psalm 35:17-18

Is David bargaining with God? David’s troubled life remains, so David seems to present an if-then contract to God. Is it wrong to present an accord, that is an exchange agreement with God? Here and elsewhere it seems that David is presenting a contract to God. David is not the only one. Gideon’s fleece experiment […]

BDBD is Psalm 35:11-16

David’s words reflect what would happen to Jesus, the Son of David centuries later. “Ruthless witnesses come forward; they question me on things I know nothing about,” is witnessed in Matthew’s and Mark’s gospels. “The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for false evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to […]

BDBD is Psalm 35:9-10

The world has many rich who obtained their wealth by robbing others. (10) One moment the hard work, perspiration, ingenuity, and perseverance that brought me the desires of my heart can be taken by those too strong for me. Fugitive David experienced this. The rage of a jealous king in a moment took away the […]

BDBD is Psalm 35:4-8

David asks the Lord Jesus in prayer to turn upside down the circumstances in his life. He wants those who once he trusted and lived with, the same ones who now seek his life to be put to disgrace and shame. He asks that those former family and friends who now plot his ruin to […]

BDBD is Psalm 35:1-3

Once again, David calls on the Warrior Heavenly King to contend against his opponents, “Fight against those who fight against me.” David was a capable warrior from a young age. The battles he fought were against Israel’s enemies and invaders. Yet, these pursuing enemies were different. They were Israelites, acquaintances with whom he had shown […]

BDBD is Psalm 34:19-22

Verse 20, “he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken,” is fulfilled when Jesus died on the cross for the world’s sins. (John 19:36) Jesus died at the end of Friday. According to the Hebrew calendar, the day ended and started at sunset. The Jews did not want the bodies of […]

BDBD is Psalm 34:15-18

“Where are you God?” can be the cry of the righteous brokenhearted and crushed in spirit. For the righteous also cry out and the Lord hears them. The Apostles experienced the same as David. They were pursued and sought after by people wanting them dead and gone, usually for personal gain. King Herod arrested some […]

BDBD is Psalm 34:14

David, the author of the Psalm speaks as one among the wise while living with life amiss. “Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” His wisdom is spoken by other prophets. Reading some of the verses concentrates the meditation of the soul. James 3:17-18 “But the wisdom that comes from heaven […]

BDBD is Psalm 34:9-14

David was in a time in his life when he lived hand to mouth. When he fearfully fleed King Saul’s household he had nothing except the clothes on his back. Serving the King was his livelihood. Now he did not know where his next meal was coming from nor where he would lay his head […]

BDBD is Psalm 34:8

A different food is on a menu newly introduced to me. Others say that it is a delight to experience. “Taste and see that it is good, it is very good.” I do not know because I have never tried it. “Can these reviews be true? I have been disappointed before,” I say to myself. […]

BDBD is Psalm 34:4-7

David experienced fear to the core of his soul. Fear was born when King Saul threw a spear at him. Fear grew into adolescence when he had nowhere to lay his head and nothing to eat. Fear reached adulthood when he was recognized as an enemy at the gate of Gath. Though fear threatened to […]

BDBD is Psalm 34:1-3

David was fleeing King Saul who tried to pierce him with a spear. The king wanted David dead for jealousy. The Lord God made David successful when fighting Israel’s enemies. According to the people, the king was to fight battles for them and the Lord allowed this. However, Saul grew tired and fearful of fighting […]

BDBD is Psalm 33:20-22

Most plans, engagements, opportunities, and suffering are spent waiting. I wait without choice for a plan to unfold successfully. I wait without choice for an engagement to begin perfectly. I wait without choice for the opportunity to pay off fully. I wait without choice for the suffering to end and be forgotten. Little in life […]

BDBD is Psalm 33:16-19

What or who do I trust to bring me through any and all life situations? Whether trouble or ease who or what do I rely on? Where is my strength, will, cunning, and hope? When death’s vast army marches towards me from all directions where is my hope for deliverance? Hope in self melts like […]

BDBD is Psalm 33:10-15

The Lord God’s power in creation merges into his sovereign control of human history. The Lord God’s attention to the working details in creation merges with his attention to the details of every person and nation, their individual and collective soul’s emotions, thoughts, and will. He who forms the hearts of all considers everything we […]

BDBD is Psalm 33:6-9

The Word of God is the ultimate power. Genesis chapter one and Psalm 3:6-9 reveal that from the formless, empty, and dark depth the Word of God spoken made all we know and experience. “For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.” “By the word of the LORD were […]

BDBD is Psalm 33:4-5

The Lord’s character is revealed in these two verses. He is right. He is true. He is faithful in all he does. He is righteousness. He is justice. He is love. He pours out his love on all the earth. Being right means being in accordance with fact, reason, and truth. Jesus is fitting, proper, […]

BDBD is Psalm 33:1-3

The psalm begins with a three-verse stanza as a call to joyfully praise the Lord in song. The declaration from the choir goes to the congregation of the righteous in an uplifting melody. Perhaps Apostle Paul was thinking of this psalm as he wrote, “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing […]

BDBD is Psalm 32:10-11

The Lord Jesus’ unfailing love surrounds those who trust in him like a thick quilt a grandmother made for me to shield me from the cold winter air. In verse 7 David said the Lord surrounds him with songs of deliverance. Listen to the pleasant kiss of a melody, the gentle touch to the musical […]

BDBD is Psalm 32:8-9

A ride in an open field with views of floating white clouds, blue skies, lush trees, grey mountains, a glistening river flowing into a reflective lake, and a person loved is an afternoon warmth. The rider knows his destination and the reason for the course. The horse however does not understand the purpose nor reason […]

BDBD is Psalm 32:6-7

David, the author of this psalm is addressing the people of God. He tells them to confess to God if they have sinned like he did. They are not to keep quiet as he had done and suffered for it. He held his sins in and was distressed until he prayed to God. Apostle John […]

BDBD is Psalm 32:5

This psalm’s message is the relieved and happy state of the forgiveness of sin. Verse 5 is the focal. David acknowledged his sin to God. God forgave him. He was delighted and told everyone. This has been, is, and will be the true action-reaction for everyone. Romans 10:9-11 states the same, “That if you confess […]

BDBD is Psalm 32:3-4

Sin festers the soul when a confession of guilt is not spoken. Bones waste away through groaning. The hand of guilt weighs heavy. Macbeth’s conscience forces the continual washing of blood that is not present. The hand of God lays heavy. “The wrath of God is (being) revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and […]

BDBD is Psalm 32:1-2

“Imputed! Imputed! Imputed!” “Pesha! Pesha! Pesha!” “You are guilty of ‘pesha’”! (transgression) “Hata’a! Hata’a! Hata’a!” (sin) “You are guilty of ‘hata’a!’” “Pronounce the ‘awon’! Pronounce the ‘verdict!’” So says the incriminator. “Yes! Yes! Yes! What say you Host High God?” So says the odious. “One who is omnipotent. I am as I am accused. I […]

BDBD is Psalm 31:23-24

One proverb and two commands are how the psalm ends. The proverb is simple and direct, “The LORD preserves the faithful, but the proud he pays back in full.” The faithful, as laid out in this psalm adhere firmly and devotedly to the Lord Jesus. They have a steadfast adherence to God even though entrapped […]

BDBD is Psalm 31:21-22

The Lord had yet again shown his wonderful love to David. He praised the Lord. How had the Lord shown his love for David? David personally experienced the Lord’s love in a real-life circumstance. The well-planned-out conspiracy against David seemed to him like he was in a besieged city. There was nowhere to escape and […]

BDBD is Psalm 31:19-20

Goodness and good are words that have several meanings and uses, are understood when stated, and yet are hard to define. When David says, “How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you,” what is he saying? Having the quality of being good can be subjective. Like I may […]

BDBD is Psalm 31:14-18

What does “I trust in the LORD” mean? When I say, “You are my God,” what am I declaring? I suppose in part it depends on the circumstances. Like David’s circumstances. A well-planned conspiracy seemed to be his dome. So when David said, “My times are in your hands…” he was declaring that the LORD, […]

BDBD is Psalm 31:10-13

Although the poetry is artistic light, the subject is bleak darkness. On an early blue sky spring morning with the promise of laughter and pleasing midday trices, I do not want to identify and personalize David’s recap of anguish and groaning yet again. Although modern society idealized David’s accomplishments as a mythical genius, his words […]

BDBD is Psalm 31:9

“Be merciful to me, O LORD,” David requests. “Mercy,” is a common plea to the Lord. Mercy is compassionate treatment, especially of those under one’s power. Mercy is a disposition to be kind and forgiving. Care for others, especially the disfortunate is a practice found in Biblical mercy. The biblical concept of mercy always involves […]

BDBD is Psalm 31:6-8

David claims four facts. He knows them to be true. First, he does not associate with those who cling to worthless idols. He even goes as far as to say he hates them for they lead people astray into vanity. They are excessively proud of their accomplishments and appearance. They worship themself. As Jonah sang […]

BDBD is Psalm 31:4-5

David’s plea for delivery from a trap that has ensnared him contains a prayer that was repeated by Jesus while on the cross. The last words before Jesus gave up his spirit were, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he said this he breathed his last. (Luke 23:46) This simple and direct […]