“Imputed! Imputed! Imputed!” “Pesha! Pesha! Pesha!” “You are guilty of ‘pesha'”! (transgression) “Hata’a! Hata’a! Hata’a!” (sin) “You are guilty of ‘hata’a!'” “Pronounce the ‘awon’! Pronounce the ‘verdict!'” So says the incriminator.
“Yes! Yes! Yes! What say you Host High God?” So says the odious.
“One who is omnipotent. I am as I am accused. I am transgression. I am sin. I am guilty. I have violated your way. I have rebelled against truth and good. I can deceive no more. I am the fault. I can deny it no more. I accept I have wronged you. I have wronged all around me. I have wronged myself. I charge myself with fault and responsibility. I have my fill of filth. Either end me or end the filth in me. You can end me or make me whole. Into your hands, I commit my fate and spirit. Forget or forgive. Cover me with dirt, or cover my sins. Count me as sin no longer to exist, or count my sin as no longer to exist. What you say I accept for I cannot go on this way anymore. I am disgusted with it all. I am disgusted with myself. The incriminator has spoken the truth. I ask for grace and mercy. Any verdict from you will be the best for me.”
“I am truth. I am life. I am just. I am righteousness. I am omnipotent. I am God Almighty. Into my hands, I have been given by my Father life and death. I am that I am. I say unto you, ‘Esher. Blessed. Forgiven. Covered. Your sin,’ says the Lord, ‘does not count against you. Go and sin no more.'”