BDBD is Psalm 39:1-3

Keeping a burning thought and questions inside will irritate the soul. Like a hot volcano, the pressure builds needing more and more soil to keep the heat hidden and buried. Whereas in the previous psalm, David kept his mouth shut before his accusers, here David also keeps his mouth shut before God.

David vowed to keep quiet because he did not want to sin with his words. He put a muzzle on it and meditated. This turned out to be a poor decision because his anguish increased. The teapot would either whistle or explode. The pressure-building thought needed an answer from outside for him to be at peace again. He could not obtain it himself.

As Jesus later taught and Apostle Paul explained, the mouth expresses the thought within. (Matthew 23:25-28; Luke 11:39-41) Holding thoughts and anguish in does not get rid of the troubling question or sin unless I am all-knowing or at least an honest brilliant thinker. Since I am not, holding thoughts in only alters the consequences. Opening my mouth will cause others to react against me. Keeping my mouth shut and thoughts inside causes my body to react against my peace. Either way, the consequences of thoughts and sin are experienced.

David’s recant of this incident continues in the following verses and following BDBD; as does the solution.