The world has many rich who obtained their wealth by robbing others. (10) One moment the hard work, perspiration, ingenuity, and perseverance that brought me the desires of my heart can be taken by those too strong for me. Fugitive David experienced this. The rage of a jealous king in a moment took away the family, security, and life that David had obtained. God’s gifts given to David were suddenly out of reach; taken away by evil intent.
The character formed during the good times determines how a person responds when left with nothing. Those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor, and immortality through Jesus will continue to do so even when poverty is their new reality. (Romans 2:7) “In the way of righteousness there is life; along that path is immortality.” (Proverbs 12:28) Fugitive David continued to apply Jesus’ life principles when the trouble began. The desire to live righteously was his learned dominant character impulse. The soul can learn to resist the sinful nature with continued pursuit and determined faith in God. King Saul never learned this.
David continued to pray. He called out to God in faith and sincerity. He never blamed God. He did not show contempt towards God when all became nothing. He did not hate others. He did not give up on God. He believed that the Lord would hear him. He waited for deliverance. He vowed that with God’s deliverance, “then my soul will rejoice in the LORD and delight in his salvation. My whole being will exclaim, ‘Who is like you, O LORD?” Faith practiced in good times will prepare me for inconvenience.