Verse 20, “he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken,” is fulfilled when Jesus died on the cross for the world’s sins. (John 19:36) Jesus died at the end of Friday. According to the Hebrew calendar, the day ended and started at sunset. The Jews did not want the bodies of the dead to be hanging on the cross on Sabbath, especially since it was a special Sabbath called the Day of Preparation. (John 19:31)
To hasten death the legs of the crucified were broken because to breathe the crucified needed to push their body up. When they came to Jesus the soldiers found that Jesus was already dead. So they didn’t break his leg bones. Hence, this scripture along with Exodus 12:46 and Numbers 9:12 foretold that the Messiah’s legs would not be broken. Every detail of Jesus’ life and death was planned out beforehand.
Jesus was crucified. I am redeemed. I will not be condemned. Jesus told his servants that we also would have trouble because of him. He said, “Take heart I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) Because he endured the cross with its suffering and shame and then three days later rose from the dead, I know that I will rise from the dead as he did. The Lord will deliver me from my troubles.