Fear of an unknown future drives people to do things that they will later regret and be ashamed of. Yet, fear of an unknown future is not the root of the problem. Fear of the unknown future is because people do not believe in the one and only God who they chose not to know and believe in. Choosing to not believe in God creates an unknown future.
Trusting in oneself to provide for oneself is scary because all know that they cannot control themselves and others all the time. “Stuff happens,” is what people used to say. The more we try to control everything the more we fret and stress. This is not good. We were not designed to live this way. We were not designed to live without the one and only true God.
A life without fear is found in a God who drives away fear. Living this way is accomplished by the righteous. The righteous are never forsaken. Those who choose to know the one and only God trust and believe in him. This causes them to be generous and lend freely. Freely they were given, freely they give. They do not fear for their children’s future either. They know God will always be there. He knows what we need. God loves and cares. We are designed to live with the one and only true God. We are to believe like little children who trust their parents.
I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be blessed.