BDBD is Psalm 35:22-25

The Lord sees and yet he is silent. He waits. He knows and yet he does nothing. He remains far from me. The Lord appears to sleep while I am in distress. I am falsely put to shame and disgrace and the Lord does not defend me. This is what David experienced. This is what David pleads will end.

Why does God wait? Why does he do nothing? Why doesn’t he stop this? How can he sleep? “Master, Master, we’re going to drown! Don’t you care that we are about to drown?” (Luke 8:24)

Desperation can lead to despair. Despair can lead to depression. Depression can lead to hopelessness. Hopelessness can be just before the end. I don’t want to go to the end. I just want this to end and I go beyond. Bring me beyond the end Lord.

Several reasons why the Lord does not act on my behalf are possible. I know many possible reasons. And I know all of them are for my good. Does the why matter, O you of little faith? I have to accept and be content with where I am at. I pray for deliverance. I pray, “Awake, and rise to my defense! Contend for me, my God and Lord. Let this end and me walk away a free man.”