The ability to calmly await an outcome or a result is considered a virtue. Bearing and enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, and annoyance with calmness are said to be Christ-like. Forbearance is a skill to be learned. That is why it is so rare. Impatience and defiance are easy. Anyone can portray those. However, being patient is a required skill that most are too stubborn and lazy to master.
Silly is a person who keeps immature impatience because waiting patiently can be acquired with one easy act. All I have to do to acquire resignation is be still before the LORD Jesus. Quiet the soul. rest in him, and be silent are three elements of being still before the Lord Jesus. Surrender the fallen impulse to lose patience with God Almighty inside and I will be stilled. As the Sea of Galilee naturally obeyed Jesus’ command, “Be still.” So will my restless waves find tranquility at his commanding presence.
Being patient is annoying for the evil when seen in the righteous for what fun do they have when their plans to erode the saint’s patient faith do not work? Their self-justification is not obtained. They do not find peace. They will be cut off. So, resisting evil is refraining from anger, turning from wrath, and not fretting over the success of those who practice evil ways. Soon I will inherit the land and they will be gone. Be patient in the Lord Jesus.