Tag: Proverbs 21

BDBD is Proverb 21:30

The fact that nothing; no wisdom, no insight, no plan can succeed against the LORD is proclaimed. The LORD is sovereign and controls people and nations. (16:4, 9, 19:21, 21:1) Being sovereign simply means that he exercises supreme and permanent authority. God is absolute. He has absolute right and ability to do all things according […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:29

Walking around with a bold face is for show. I do this to portray a fearless and daring demeanor. I want others and myself to believe I am courageous and in control of fear or even that I have no fear. Yet, is this what is happening inside? No. Circumstances control the wayward soul whether […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:28

This is the seventh and final time the book of Proverbs has a proverb concerning a false witness. (6:19, 12:17, 14:5, 25, 19:5, 9, 21:28) Some would say that seven is of significance because seven is considered “fullness” and “completion” in the Hebrew language and the Bible. I find it interesting that these seven contain […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:27

Anyone can offer a sacrifice to God, and anyone can make sacrifices for God, the sacrifice may be great, and the sacrifice may be small, if it is made with wicked intent, it is not acceptable at all. Such was the case of Cain. His sacrifice was not acceptable, for his heart was wicked. The […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:26

This verse is the second half of the proverb that started in the previous verse. Verse 25 is about a lazy sluggard. I take to heart the warning to not be a physical and spiritual sluggard. God enables me and gives me his strength when I ask him to help me live His way and […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:25

What does a sluggard crave? I presume it is anything that others crave. The reason that which he craves for will be the death of him is because he doesn’t work enough (if at all) to purchase or trade for it. He craves, but cannot obtain because he is poor and lazy. When he becomes […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:24

The Lord warns me through this proverb and in other Biblical passages about the danger of pride and arrogance. (3:34, 19:25, 29. 21:11) Biblical pride is undue confidence in and attention to one’s own skills, accomplishments, state, possessions, or position. The proud are haughty and conceited. The arrogant person expresses their pride. God gives the […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:23

I should guard my mouth and tongue if I want to avoid calamity. I should be as choosy with the words that come out as I am choosy with the food that goes in. I can easily keep dirty food out of my mouth. Why then is it not easy for me to stop dirty […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:22

Taking this proverb to mean a battle of wits instead of brawn would not be a stretch for “the wise has great power, and knowledge increases strength.” (24:5) Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian congregation, “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:21

The Lord God promises that he who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity, righteousness, and honor. Pursue means to follow in an effort to capture like a fox is pursued by hounds and a beautiful lady is often pursued by many suitors. The one who obtains the prize has put all of themself in […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:20

Storing up goods for future use is wise. Saving in good times so that when hard times come concerns the same principle. This was God’s direction through Joseph to Pharoah, “This food should be held in reserve for the country, to be used during the seven years of famine that will come upon Egypt, so […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:18

Though this proverb is easy to read, I ponder what it means and how to apply it to life. The verse is about barter between two unnamed parties. Two types of people are being bartered. The wicked and unfaithful are being used as a ransom for the righteous and upright. This implies that the righteous […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:17

This proverb contains the guaranteed result of depleted human practice. Love pleasure => poverty. Love wine and oil => not becoming rich. It is designed to be a warning. Its intent is to keep me on the good and wise path. Amos’ prophecy stands, “You drink wine by the bowlful and use the finest lotions, […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:16

If today I decide to walk the way of understanding and wisdom does it guarantee that everything will be easy, good, and right for me tomorrow and every day that follows? No. What if I stray from the path of understanding? What if I decide to go to the house of the adulterous? (2:18, 5:23, […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:15

Justice is related to laws. There are man-made laws and there are God-given laws. Man-made laws involve conduct in society, relations, and business. Man-made laws only impose punishment to restrain evil and harm to others and society in general as well as protect the innocent and helpless. Justice is when the guilty are convicted of […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:14

What can I do if I have angered someone? Can anything be done to pacify great wrath? This proverb says a gift given in secret soothes anger. A concealed bribe pacifies great wrath. Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans, “Let us, therefore, make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:13

Here is a proverb that is a warning and a promise more than a proverb that needs deep thought and introspection. God is stating through Solomon a way that God interacts with people. Just as Jesus taught us to pray, “… forgive us our debts as we forgive those who sin against us…” here he […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:12

The Righteous One (man) is one Hebrew word, “Siddiq” referring to one just and righteous person, or rather a specific sinless person. When God dispensed the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, Peter referred to Jesus as the Righteous One. (Acts 3:14) Stephen, before he was stoned referred to Jesus as the Righteous One. (Acts 7:52) Apostle […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:10

The Hebrew verb for craves and desire is “awa” in this proverb and evil is “ra”. Evil is that which is opposed to God and His purposes as Pharaoh and his Egyptian god Ra during the time of Moses, Miriam, and Aaron. Therefore, this proverb states that a wicked soul is one that desires that […]

BDBD is Proverbs 21:9, 19, & 25:24

Frankly, these three proverbs are the funniest in the entire book. They express the same sentiment about what would be better for a husband if his wife is quarrelsome and ill-tempered. They are saying he should resign to confine his living habits to either the corner of the roof or a desert thus surrendering the […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:7-8

The way of the wicked is violence. The way of the guilty is devious. They know what is right, yet they choose not to do what is right. The destiny of both will dray them away from the land of the living. They are the goats in Jesus’ parable “The Sheep and the Goats”. He […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:6

The temptation to do that which is unethical and immoral always exists. Lying usually follows yielding to temptation. Lying to hide sin and avoid punishment is a trait that binds all societies and family groups. No one can say, “I do not lie.” Me included. Lies are told for many reasons. Lies are told for […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:5

This proverb falls in line with the many proverbs that praise diligence and the profit it brings, and they condemn laziness as a cause of hunger and poverty (6:6-11, 12:11, 24, 27, 13:4, 14:23, 18:9, 27:23-27, 28:19) Diligence is marked by persevering and painstaking effort. Am I characterized by steady attention and effort? In years […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:4

Being haughty means being scornfully and condescendingly proud. This is a sin. Pride may appear in many forms. Some of the more common are pride of race, spiritual pride, and pride of riches. Jesus denounced pride in race (Luke 3:8). The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector was directed at those guilty of […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:3

Doing right is weighed against the sacrificial system in the Law the Lord gave Israel through Moses. Similarly, in Hosea 6:6 mercy and sacrifice are weighed against burnt offerings. Jesus quoted this to the religious self-righteous while dining for the first time in Matthew’s house with other tax collectors and sinners – both social outcasts […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:2

Motives are the intended comprehensive self-investigation that leads to life-saving repentance is the intent of this proverb as it was in related proverbs 14:12, 16:2, and 24:12. Is it possible to self-examine the self-deceived heart? Not without God’s intervention. Without God revealing the true intent of my actions I would never know the weight of […]

BDBD is Proverb 21:1

Being in a leadership position doesn’t mean I am in control. Even if I were a king, in sovereign power and unquestioned authority of all the land, it would not signify that I direct the course of all. The king doesn’t even have complete control of their heart. The king’s heart is in the hand […]