BDBD is Proverb 21:29

Walking around with a bold face is for show. I do this to portray a fearless and daring demeanor. I want others and myself to believe I am courageous and in control of fear or even that I have no fear. Yet, is this what is happening inside? No. Circumstances control the wayward soul whether admitted or not. Mustering up courage is not the same as eliminating fear, nor is it as the fool brags, “I use fear. It emboldens me.”

Setting up a mental bold front is not the same as being at peace and calm in troubled times. What is the source of a soul’s security even when all seems hopeless? This proverb states it is a decent way of life and as the NIV states it, “giving thought to my ways”. True decency emanates from faith in God, hope for God, and love of God. For the way of life with these present has the inner presence of God, and this by His grace.

Jesus’ instruction to his disciples’ reaction on the night he was betrayed, when he revealed to them the evil that was about to happen was, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) I can take heart; that is, have faith, hope, and love because I know that Jesus has overcome the world. When war is imminent, I can take heart. When there is not enough money, I can take heart. When diagnosed with illness, I can take heart. When a loved one has lost a good path, I can take heart. When the righteous suffer, I can take heart. When I am lower than tears, I can take heart. Jesus the prince of peace has overcome.