Tag: Psalm 18

BDBD is Psalm 18:47-50

David, named in the last verse concludes his doxology by summing up what he has been proclaiming. David is God’s king. David is God’s anointed. David knows he is the Lord’s chosen and anointed king. David recalls God’s promise while a lad. (1 Samuel 16:13) He experienced God’s grace in making it happen. The whole […]

BDBD is Psalm 18:46

The psalm’s crescendo has reached its climax. The choir reaches its highest chords and exhibits the mastery of a virtuoso. The musicians’ souls pour into their instruments. The limbs of the audience tingle and their torsals swell. Joyous tears moisten checks. Arms reach to the heavens in exultation, “The LORD lives! Praise be to my […]

BDBD is Psalm 18:43-45

David endured so many threats from his own people in the days of Saul’s reign. Now he was crowned king of Israel. He reigns over other nations. People he never had acquaintances bow down to him. His commands are obeyed with trembling. David is the unquestioned premier monarch. This psalm is a prophecy psalm relating […]

BDBD is Psalm 18:37-42

David prayed and trusted in God. He waited for God for many years to rescue him from a life he did not want to live. God did not send an army of immortal spiritual beings we call angels to strike down all his enemies so David could be king of Israel. Instead, God enabled him […]

BDBD is Psalm 18:30-36

David publically acknowledged in this Psalm the depths of his soul’s firm belief that the Lord God’s blessing had made freedom from his enemy’s oppression a reality. This Psalm was written sometime between Saul’s suicide (1 Samuel 30-31; 1 Chronicles 10) and when David’s kingship over all of Israel was finally fully established (2 Samuel […]

BDBD is Psalm 18:25-29

God reveals his character to all; yet to each, he reveals himself in his own way. Those who are faithful to the Lord God and his ways, the Lord God is faithful to them. He does not leave them. Jesus promised, “All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to […]

BDBD is Psalm 18:20-24

While David was on the run from Saul and his army David made sure to inquire of the Lord (1 Samuel 22:1-6) and follow the Lord’s ways (21). David did not harm Saul even when he could have killed him twice. (1 Samuel 24 & 26) The temptation was great for his men said, “This […]

BDBD is Psalm 18:16-19

The Lord God had anointed David to be the next king of Israel when he was but an unrecognized lad. (1 Samuel 16:13) The fulfillment of the promise began looking possible when he was moved from being the family shepherd boy to the court musician and armor-bearer in the household of King Saul. (1 Samuel […]

BDBD is Psalm 18:7-15

The oppressed have a day of gladness and celebration to look forward to. Those ridiculed and harassed because of their steadfast faith in God can rest assured that their fear and tears are answered. Those excluded and reviled by the powerful wicked can be assured that their hope in Jesus is not misplaced. The start […]

BDBD is Psalm 18:4-6

Mortal danger is poetically personified. Deep sorrow is like cords entangling and pulling one down to death. Mellencolly emotions weigh one down immobilizing the soul till death becomes one’s closest attendant, waiting for me to willing follow to the end. Some live in a state of numbness. Invisible cords keep one from moving. Some turn […]

BDBD is Psalm 18:3

David states the reason for praising his Lord. His acclimation is because the LORD, whom he prayed to is worthy of praise. All should have a reason to praise the LORD. This reason is best and always true; Jesus is worthy. If for no other reason, I can and will praise the Lord Jesus who […]

BDBD is Psalm 18:1-2

Who is worthy of praise? If anyone is worthy of praise because of strength, glory, prowess, wisdom, ferocity, love, compassion, and truth, then the Lord Jesus is worthy by an eternity more. When to praise the one who deserves loving exultation? David, the servant of the Lord sang praises to Jesus when he delivered David […]