Who is worthy of praise? If anyone is worthy of praise because of strength, glory, prowess, wisdom, ferocity, love, compassion, and truth, then the Lord Jesus is worthy by an eternity more. When to praise the one who deserves loving exultation? David, the servant of the Lord sang praises to Jesus when he delivered David from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. More than deliverance the time to sing songs of praise is when oppressed, overpowered, and a soul depressed. David did and was delivered and relieved.
David experienced the Lord Jesus’ rock strength. Though one pounds their fists on a rock mountain it will not move, falter, or give way. David experienced the Lord Jesus’ fortress protection. Though assaulted on every side by a determined enemy, those who take refuge in a mighty fortress will rest at ease. Jesus is a rock fortress.
A shield is a defense that protects. A horn is a strong offense. Together they are personal salvation that wins the battle against an obsessed foe. Jesus is a stronghold. A stronghold is a kingdom’s best fortress that holds its most precious and elite and elect.
When delivered from enemies whether physical, personal, or practical I will sing songs of praise to Jesus.