David has great respect for the LORD. Reverence is a feeling of profound awe, respect, and love. In God’s mercy and righteousness, David trusts. He tells the LORD that he will come into God’s house and bow down toward God’s holy temple.
The house and holy temple that David is speaking of is not the temple in Jerusalem, which was not built until after David died. David instructed his son, Solomon to build the temple on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Rather, David is speaking of the LORD’s home in heaven. The holy temple is in heaven. By God’s grace, David knew he would worship God in the holy temple in heaven.
David had many enemies. He knew his final resting place would be heaven where he would worship his God. But he did not know the way he should go between now and his final resting place. He asks God to lead him, to show him the way he should go. David wanted God to direct him because of his enemies.
I too have enemies. Those who enjoy harassing me and telling lies about me. Like David’s enemies, they are bloodthirsty and deceitful. I know my final destiny is with my God. Until then Lord, like David, show me the way. Lead me. Have mercy on me. Then bring me to your house; your holy temple.