The voice of the Lord is the subject of this psalm. I imagine the most fierce storm either a hurricane or super cell. Streaks of light illuminate a dark sky. Bursts of thunder rattle windows and shake building bones. Continuous winds knock down even the strongest structures and trees. Rolling waves cover the earth. The voice (qol in Hebrew) of the Lord is poetically portrayed as the effects of an intense thunderstorm. The power and glory of the Lord are visible, felt, and auditable in creation.
The voice of the Lord is repeated seven times. The voice of the Lord created everything. The breath of the Lord entered the lungs of Adam and Eve. The voice of the Lord raised the dead Lazarus. The voice of God was heard when Jesus was baptized, “This is my son, whom I love, with him I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) The voice of God was heard on the mount of transfiguration, “This is my son, whom I love with him I am well pleased. Listen to him.” (Matthew 17:5)
The voice of Jesus was written down and now I read those words. The voice of the Lord Jesus is ready, contemplated, and studied. The power and glory of God entered my mind. My thoughts are illuminated. My bones are rattled. My preconceptions were blown down. His Spirit covers my soul. I am a joyous victim of the power and glory of the voice of the Lord.