Death is a looming tower standing overall, like a mountain rising into swirling clouds. Its dark shadow is long and deep, as a valley fissure presses shoulders into a cold wall. Fear of the dark. Fear of the unknown. Fear of death that keeps one from going. Walking forward I have no choice, for time presses forward blocking a rewind. Death is coming. Death is mine. Death is yours. Death is in my mind.
Hope is a quake that shakes the looming tower, the mountain that is in its last hour. Light holds the life of the shadow, threatening with its stinging bow and arrows. One shot is released taking away fear of the dark. Light makes known. Fear not death for I will keep going. His breath is life.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. My God holds the light. The mountain is no more. The shadow has lost its grip. My mind is clear. The light stops time. Death is no longer mine.