The psalm begins with the despondent crying in desperation, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning?” Others trusted the Anointed One and were delivered. Yet the Holy One who saved others could not save himself. He was surrounded by evil men who tortured him and took the shirt off his back as their own.
Suddenly praises filled the world of those who feared the Lord. God has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one. He has not hidden his face from the Messiah. God the Father has heard the cry of his One and Only Son who suffered. The Anointed One lives. He suffered, died, and rose from the grave. Psalm 22 continues with the prophecy fulfilled by Jesus.
The great assembly is in heaven. The great assembly will gather around his coming throne on Mount Zion. There the Risen Christ will receive praise, honor, and reverence. There the people of God will honor his name in song. The song will ring out even if it were from the rocks. For those who feared the Lord, he will fulfill his vows. That which he promised him will accomplish. His judgment and gifts he will give to his people.
I should not think that God does not hear me all the time. Though I am walking in the footsteps of my Lord and undergoing his suffering, the Father is not far off. He sees. He knows. He hears. A day is coming and that day is soon. He is coming again. On that day I will sing praises. On that day I will receive my reward. I will not be forgotten.