The Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible) is equated to the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-7:29) and the Sermon on the Plain (Luke 6:17-49). They are wise instructions and encouragement to followers of the Lord Jesus. Those like me who are rescued from poor life choices and being controlled by sinful impulses know that living by these ordinances of the LORD is more precious than much pure gold. Though at first living by these takes effort and repeated application which can be heart-wrenching the commands of the LORD are sweeter than honey.
The sweetness is because through them I am warned. Before I was blindly walking toward a cliff, about ready to drop into the depths. However, the word of God called out to me to stop. Then God took the blinds off by calling to me his precepts. They turned out to be a great reward. They showed me a path where instead of falling into the pit, I was given instructions on how not to fall into the pit and how to find good things.
The blinders of a sinful nature kept me from discerning my errors. I thank God for removing the blinders. I was blind, but now I see the truth. Through the Word of God, I know wisdom living. I asked God for forgiveness and he heard me. I asked and he kept me from willful sins. My sinful nature no longer rules over me. I am a new person. I am now alive.
I pray as David, “Keep your servant blameless, innocent of great transgression.” Remind me of your laws so that I may know you.