This Psalm by an unknown author compares two ways; that is lifestyle choices and their results. The first is the way of the wicked, sinners, and mockers (1). The second is the way of the righteous (6). The way of the righteous is blessed. Blessed, used 516 times in the Bible is a translation of the Hebrew words “esher” here and “barak” elsewhere (transliterations). “Esher” means happiness. The Lord God is simply saying through the author, “How happy is the righteous!” I want that. So then, what are some of the lifestyle choices of the righteous?
The righteous person delights in the Word of God (2). They constantly think about it, study it, and apply it to their life. The Author of Life says, “If you want to be happy in life, then have the Holy Bible in your heart, soul, mind, and body. Have it nearby, ready to read and meditate on. Jesus, the Word made Flesh tells his disciples, “All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.” (John 14:25-27a)
When the Word is in me, then I am promised three things. First, I will always produce delectable succulent fruit, like a fruit tree that receives plenty of water and sunshine. The fruit of the Spirit of God will grow from my soul. (Galatians 5:22-25)
Second, I will not wither as I age. My physical body will decay as my soul and spirit not only remain but are always ever-increasing life. My leaf will never wither (3).
Third, I will not perish when my physical body ceases to function (5-6). The wicked will perish. I, if I follow the way of the righteous will live eternally. I will be happy for the rest of the days of my life. I will flourish eternally. I will know the joy of God and delight with the righteous forever. Eternity will be mine and he will never leave me. I will be blessed without ceasing. I will not be blown away like chaff as the wicked on the day of judgment.