Tag: Luke 9

BDBD is Luke 9:57-62

When people hear the good news, they either quickly reject it, accept it superficially, conditionally, or wholeheartedly and absolutely. Jesus’ parable of the soil types is meant to help those who follow him understand this and be prepared (Matthew 13, Mark 4). Luke 14:25-34 records that Jesus will tell the crowds who follow him to […]

BDBD is Luke 9:52-56

Samaria was a region sandwiched between Judea to the south and Galilee to the north. Perea was the eastern neighbor on the other side of the Jordan River and The Mediterranean Sea was its western shore. The people of Samaria and the Jews had dissension since the time of King Solomon (John 4). The Jewish […]

BDBD is Luke 9:51

Luke records in verse 51, “As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.” Luke marks time so the reader will relate to Jesus and the disciple’s mindset and heart. The two were very different. Jesus would leave and the disciples were not ready. For me […]

BDBD is Luke 9:49-50

Jesus’ teaching here is related to the former concerning the disciples’ pride. The Twelve were more exclusive than Jesus. Jesus’ disciples wanted to stop a man who they believed was practicing faith without Jesus’ official license and authority. He was not “one of them.” They were greater, and he was lesser, was the thought that […]

BDBD is Luke 9:46-48

The disciples were presumptuously proud. They argued about who was the greatest among them (46; Mark 9:33-35). The argument came from their pride and ambitions. Pride is an arrogant or disdainful conduct or treatment caused by a high opinion of oneself; our skills, accomplishments, state, possessions, or position. Pride is easier to recognize than define, […]

BDBD is Luke 9:42-45

Jesus rebuked the evil (unclean, unholy) spirit. Jesus has authority over unholy demons because he is the ultimate power. Evil spirits fear his power. They leave when he says, “Leave” (Zechariah 3:2; Mark 1:25; Luke 4:25, 39; Jude 1:9). Luke states that the boy was healed. Jesus gave the boy back to his father. The […]

BDBD is Luke 9:37-41

Jesus and three of his apostles came down the mountain after Jesus was transfigured to find a large crowd, confusion, and arguing. (Mark 9:14-15) The commotion centered around a father who wanted Jesus to drive an evil (unclean) spirit out of his boy. The signs of demon possession in the New Testament include: speechlessness (Matthew […]

BDBD is Luke 9:30-36

I, like Peter, when fatigued and stressed have spoken foolish and witless words only to regret having said them. Peter’s statement was so silly that in a rare instance, Luke inserted a comment into his historical account of Jesus’ transfiguration on Mont Herman. He adds, “He (meaning Peter) did not know what he was saying” […]

BDBD is Luke 9:28-29

Jesus prayed often, and often alone. Praying was one of Jesus’ habits. A habit is another word for routine, except prayer is not a mechanical procedure or activity. (Matthew 6:5-7) Prayer is personal communion with God. David’s Psalms are good examples of personal communion with God. Hence, this is the reason Jesus usually prayed alone. […]

BDBD is Luke 9:23-27

Jesus revealed to his disciples what it meant to be Christ, the Son of God. As the Christ, Jesus suffered many things, was rejected and killed, and on the third day was raised to life (22). Now, he said to them all what it meant to be one of his disciples. This is very important […]

BDBD is Luke 9:20-22

When Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do you say I am? Peter said “The Christ (Messiah) of God.” Christ means anointed one. The anointed one implies that the Christ is the:1) Great Prophet. (Deuteronomy 18:15,18; Isaiah 55:4,; Luke 24:19; Acts 3:22, 7:37)2) Only High Priest. (Psalms 110:4; Romans 8:34; Hebrews 6:20, 7:24, 9:24)3) Eternal King […]

BDBD is Luke 9:18-22

Christ appears five hundred and one times in the New Testament, each time referring only to Jesus and his kingship. Today, many people believe that Jesus’s sir name is Christ. It is not. People having sir names only started a few hundred years ago. Before that, people had only one word for a name. However, […]