Tag: Psalm 28

BDBD is Psalm 28:6-9

David is full of joy because the Lord has heard his prayer. The one with whom he has the closest relationship turned his ear to him. His heart trusted in the Lord. He was helped. David was weak. So the Lord was his strength. David was vulnerable. So the Lord was his shield protector. David […]

BDBD is Psalm 28:3-5

The prayer psalm continues by stating the author’s request. David does not want to be dragged away with the wicked. He is referring to the judgment to come. Jesus taught those who persecuted him and trying to kill him, “Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in […]

BDBD is Psalm 28:1-2

David, the author of this psalm desperately wants the Lord to hear him. He says if the Lord turns a deaf ear to him he would be like the dead buried in the ground. David equates “Sheol”, the abode of the dead with a pit, “bor” in Hebrew. “Bor” is any hole in the ground […]