Tag: Luke 11

BDBD is Luke 11:52-54

Jesus pronounces one final woe upon the Pharisees, who barrage him with questions to trap and discredit him (5:21, 5:30, 6:2, 11, 19:47-48, 20:19-20, 22:2). Jesus claims that they have taken away the key to knowledge and hindered those who are entering (52). In 7:30, Luke comments, “The Pharisees and experts in the law rejected […]

BDBD is Luke 11:47-51

Who is helped when an elaborate tomb or memorial is built? Surely, it is not for the person who died. Does the family benefit from a pile of stones with a shiny plaque? Does the society that pays for it profit? After a few years, no one even notices it. Perhaps a few who visit […]

BDBD is Luke 11:45-46

“Expert(s) in the law” is a term used mostly by Luke (7:25, 30, 37 45-46, 52, 13:3). However, Matthew once referred to a man as “an expert in the law” (Matthew 22:35). They were “scribes”, most of which were a sect of the Pharisees trained in writing skills and used to record events and decisions […]

BDBD is Luke 11:42-44

Jesus continues his confrontation with the religious leaders by citing six woes. A woe is deep distress and misery, as from grief. The first woe is for being exact and zealous for the observation of religious traditions and rituals while neglecting justice and the love of God. Jesus cited that their love for others and […]

BDBD is Luke 11:37-41

The Pharisees and all the Jews held onto traditions that many began believing were as important as the Law of Moses. They considered these traditions a form of worship. (Matthew 15:9; Mark 7:3) For example, “When they come from the marketplace they do not eat unless they wash. And they observe many other traditions, such […]

BDBD is Luke 11:33-36

Jesus continues his response to those who ask for a sign from heaven (16). First, he uses the similitude and proverb in verse 33. Jesus would give no sign to them to show that he was the Messiah at this time because it would do no good. Jesus preached and did works openly, not in […]

BDBD is Luke 11:29-32

When the religious leaders claimed Jesus was driving out demons by Beelzebub’s authority, they also tested him by asking for a sign from heaven. When they said, “…from heaven,” they meant something that clearly only God could do. They believed that Satan would command other demons to come out of someone. Jesus taught the silliness […]

BDBD is Luke 11:24-28

Jesus’s parable illustrates what will happen to a person and society that does not have God’s presence after it has been freed of demons. Jesus continues to address the comment that he drives out demons with the power of Satan. When asked Jesus will drive out a demon. That is only the beginning of a […]

BDBD is Luke 11:21-23

Jesus teaches through a parable that he has ultimate power. Jesus attacks Satan who also has power. Jesus overpowers Satan and utterly defeats him. Thus, Jesus rescues people from Satan’s evil rule. Satan never wins. Addressing the religious leaders, Jesus also teaches that a person is either against him or for him. Neutrality does not […]

BDBD is Luke 11:17-20

Jesus is full of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit knows everyone’s thoughts to the deepest crevices, the dark hidden places, thoughts that haunt our every moment, and the soul’s joy. So, Jesus knew the thoughts of those who came to him. Jesus knows every thought through the Spirit right now. The jealous and fearful […]

BDBD is Luke 11:14-16

Jesus had been driving out demons for three years. So did the twelve and the seventy-two when he sent them out. Now a great crowd followed him. The religious leaders were jealous. Their pride and pay were hurt. They attacked Jesus’s character and ministry. They claimed, “By Beelzebub, the prince of demons, he is driving […]

BDBD is Luke 11:11-13

Jesus’ teaching in these three verses is among the best that illustrates prayer is a religious word that means personal communication with God, my Father. The communication is similar to that of a father with a child. It is not business communication. It is not a drama or a play. It is not a political […]

BDBD is Luke 11:9-10

I ask for what I wish, seek for what I miss, and knock for that from which I feel shut out. Jesus gives assurance that I will receive, find, and the door will be opened. The point in these two verses is confidence and faith in God. I have owned a coo-coo clock for many […]

BDBD is Luke 11:5-8

After Jesus taught his disciples topics to include in their conversations with God he told some parables. The first concerns a friend who comes asking at midnight for food to serve to an unexpected traveling friend. He is not asking for selfish things. He is asking so he can help another. “Yo, neighbor,” he calls […]

BDBD is Luke 11:4c

Jesus taught this prayer to his followers, those seeking to learn from and follow him. After Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist he was full of the Holy Spirit. Luke 4:11-12 states, “Jesus… was led by the Spirit into the desert, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing […]

BDBD is Luke 11:4b

Jesus taught his disciples what to pray, including asking God for the forgiveness of sins against him (4a). Then he taught them to tell God, “…for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.” The original Greek reads, “…for we forgive everyone who is indebted to us,” which is like Matthew 6:12, “…as we also […]

BDBD is Luke 11:4a

“And forgive us our sin” is a direct word-for-word translation from the original Greek, “Kai aphiemi hemin hemon hamartia” (a transliteration). There are no extra words and no excluded words. To appreciate what is being asked of God, I need to understand and accept that I possess sin (hamartia). So, what is sin? What is […]

BDBD is Luke 11:3

Jesus continues teaching his disciples the topics that are important to pray about. He had mentioned these prayer topics including a few more during The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:9-13). “Give us each day our daily bread,” is stated both times. God is the one who gives me food including physical bread. The Lord […]

BDBD is Luke 11:1-2

Conversations with God His Father were an essential and desired part of Jesus’ life. For three years, his disciples watched him pray in solitude. John the Baptist also prayed and taught his disciples to pray. Now Jesus’s disciples asked him to teach them how to pray. Elsewhere, Jesus taught them when and where to pray. […]