Death is sure. As the sun rises in the east and sets in the west a person comes forth to breathe the first breath and goes down when they breathe their last. Even if in between the first and last breath the person exhibits wisdom, has great riches, lives as a fool, and makes senseless life choices they die and leave their accomplishments and blunders to someone else. The tomb is an escape room that a person will not find a way out of even if they build an elaborate sepulcher.
Trusting in myself to elude death and find a way out of death’s iron grip is a rich man’s folly. News media reports the beliefs and sayings of the rich and famous. People approve of their words because they believe their success is evidence they are wise. Yet, though their idle owns much grasslands, mountains, and valleys those who ascribe to the rich man’s sayings also die.
The body dies. There is hope for the soul and spirit. Trust in Jesus, the maker and sustainer of life. Believe in Jesus and he will open the door of the grave’s inescapable room.