BDBD is Psalm 57:4-6

Verse 4 uses poetry to describe the enemy. They are not wimps. They are like strong and fast lions. They are like extremely hungry beasts chasing their prey. They are a serious threat.

Verse 6 poetically describes the enemies’ plot. David and his small band of refugees were hunkered down in a low cave. With so many men in a confined area, it was hot, humid, and smelly. David was trapped in a small deep cave that was more like a pit. Saul went into the pit.

The verse between is a contrast. David praises God. “Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth. Though hiding in a cave David knows and confesses that God is everywhere. He sings hallelujah.

On the night he was betrayed Jesus ate a last meal with his disciples. The Passover was full of praise, prayer, and teaching. A solemn occasion before suffering that Jesus knew was coming. Often the best times to praise God in in the darkest whole or before the persecution.