The Most High God addresses the wicked just as Jesus addressed his day’s religious and social leaders. Every generation experiences the powerful and swift flow of hypocrisy and mundane Christianity. I need to become alert and swim to the firm shore of reverent thankful faith lest I be swept and forever lost into the sea of the forgotten where I will remain isolated forever sinking ever farther into deep lonely depression.
If I hate the Lord Jesus’ instruction, casting his words behind me as I move toward the dark sea I become the company of thieves and adulters who rob what is good and right. What right do the beds of thieves and adulters have claiming the covenant of Jesus’ blood? I cannot have the one and the other at the same time.
If I call Jesus, “Lord, Lord,” and do not do what he says, does this not mean that I am the wicked hypocrite in this psalm? If I do not love as Jesus loved, then am I one with him? What do I harbor in my heart as mundane Christianity pulls me ever closer to the salty waves of the vast sea? Is the person who moved next to me an invader or a possible lost soul I can witness to the love of Christ? Has a thief and adultery moved next door because I am one too? Will Jesus rebuke me to my face as he did the mundane religious leader of his day? The time has arrived when I must begin swimming.