BDBD is Psalm 42:4-6

Memory can bring hope and new life or it can stifle a once productive life. The Sons of Korah remember a far-back time of celebration, thanksgiving, and joy. The Israelites celebrated seven annual feasts established by the Lord God through Moses. (Leviticus 23; Deuteronomy 16:1-17) The Levites lead a great progression to the house of the Lord. In David’s time, this was the tent of meeting David had set up in Jerusalem. The day the Ark of the Covenant was brought to Jerusalem and placed in the tent was indeed a great celebration. (2 Samuel 6)

Perhaps the Sons of Korah escaped the invading enemy by traveling to the northeast, to the headwaters of the Jordan River. Or perhaps they were captured and brought to Mount Hermon and Mizar (meaning little). From there they remembered the Lord their God. Though they once celebrated in Jerusalem, they could also remember and celebrate at Mount Herman.

Psalm 103:1-2 of David states, “Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits…” Remembering the Lord and all his benefits bring life to a captured soul.