BDBD is Psalm 16:5-7

David, the youngest of many brothers and perhaps the only son of his father’s second wife (or concubine), had an ongoing life problem. He pondered his unsure future and where he belonged. His inheritance according to the law of Moses was questionable. His seven elder brothers did not think well of him. They gave him the most unwanted job tending sheep and often mocked him. (1 Samuel 16:10-11, 18-20; 17:28) This concern was perhaps one of the reasons he had to conquer the city of Jerusalem (Jebus). He needed a home for himself and the men who served under him.

David’s search for a place that was his own ceased to burden because of his personal relationship with and faith in the LORD. He believed that the LORD had assigned him a portion. In the Lord Jesus, his lot was secure (5). He believed he had a delightful inheritance and it wasn’t Jerusalem on earth. It was the New Jerusalem.

In Jesus, David was happy and praised God because God counseled him. Instead of troubled nights of worry, concern, and loneliness, David was counseled by the Lord in his heart. All have reason to be concerned about the future. The Messiah Jesus is the cure to an unsure future.