Luke records in verse 51, “As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.” Luke marks time so the reader will relate to Jesus and the disciple’s mindset and heart. The two were very different. Jesus would leave and the disciples were not ready. For me to relate I need to understand what was happening at this time.
Luke uniquely records the events in verses 51-56 and many that follow, up to Luke 18:14. The unique accounts are mostly parables. The three Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) record many prior events; Jesus sending out the twelve, feeding the 5,000, Peter’s confession, Jesus’ transfiguration, healing a boy with an evil spirit, and the disciple’s argument about who is the greatest. Then Luke records unique events until the Synoptic Gospels record the same event again, people bringing little children to Jesus (Luke 18:15, Matthew 19:13, and Mark 10:13).
The events are recorded only in Luke, which records Jesus’ trip from Galilee to Jerusalem for the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah, The Festival of Lights). The festival is in December (winter in Palestine). John 10:22-39 records some of Jesus’ activities during the festival in Jerusalem. After Hanukkah Jesus stayed across the Jordan far east Judea (perhaps Perea), not near Jerusalem. (John 10:40-42)
Luke 13:22 marks Jesus’ final trip to Jerusalem for the Feast of Passover, which is in the spring. Matthew 20:17 and Mark 10:1 also record the start of this final journey. Where he started is not clear but might be somewhere in the south of Galilee and north of Samaria (Luke 17:11). Jesus’ passion would be during the coming Passover, around four months from 9:51. Twice already Jesus told them what would come to pass. They did not understand Jesus. They held onto the false teachings about the Messiah taught by the religious leaders. They were not ready. They were about to be surprised, frightened, and crushed. They did not listen to Jesus. How many now have a wrong understanding of Jesus’ second coming?