BDBD is Luke 9:30-36

I, like Peter, when fatigued and stressed have spoken foolish and witless words only to regret having said them. Peter’s statement was so silly that in a rare instance, Luke inserted a comment into his historical account of Jesus’ transfiguration on Mont Herman. He adds, “He (meaning Peter) did not know what he was saying” (33) Young Mark, probably instructed by Peter added, “…they were so frightened.” (Mark 9:6) Both men who were much younger than Peter, were explaining, perhaps even excusing Peter for suggesting something so ridiculous.

What did Jesus’, Peter’s, James’, and John’s lives consist of? Moving, preaching, moving, healing, moving. Before this miraculous event Jesus taught a multitude (~4,000 men+women+children) near Bethsaida on the northern shore of The Sea of Galilee. (Matthew 15:29-39; Mark 8:1-13) They traveled to other places including Caesarea Philippi (north of the Sea of Galilee) where God revealed to Jesus’ disciples through Peter that Jesus was indeed the Christ that all Israel was waiting for. Jesus added to this the shocking news that he would be crucified by the religious leaders and be raise to life three days later.

Then Jesus leads his disciples around 10 miles (16 km) north and over 6,000 feet (2,000 m) up to the ever-snowy peaks of Mount Herman. Jesus prayed as was his routine. However, the disciples started dosing off and doing whatever they could to get warm. Then, surprise, Jesus transfigured looking like an angel and started talking to Moses and Elijah who appeared out of nowhere. Then came Peter’s scatterbrained idea. Well, that’s me too when I am fatigued and stressed.

What to do? Have God the Father appear and tell me, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.” For me, this is prayer, meditation, studying God’s word, and obeying.