Jesus revealed to his disciples what it meant to be Christ, the Son of God. As the Christ, Jesus suffered many things, was rejected and killed, and on the third day was raised to life (22). Now, he said to them all what it meant to be one of his disciples. This is very important to me. Reading these verses reminds me of David’s Psalms which BDBD went through all year (2024).
First, as a disciple I follow, that is “come after” Jesus. Though some translations translate the Greek “come with” the meaning is that Jesus leads the way as an example and I follow his way as a disciple. Jesus individualized and distinguished the meaning of being a disciple by saying “…he must deny himself and take up his cross DAILY and follow me.” That is a serious humble pie to digest.
Second, Jesus compares cross-carrying to the way of the general populous. They save their life while I, as a disciple lose it (24). Jesus is recorded saying this in all four gospels and in two he is recorded repeating it more than once. (Matthew 10:38-39, 16:24-25; Mark 8:34-35; Luke 9:24, 14:26-27, 17:33; John 12:25)
Third, whoever loses their life by daily carrying their cross while following Jesus will save their life (24). Motivating his disciples Jesus asks the rhetorical question, “What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?” (25)
Fourth, Jesus defines very clearly what it means to save my life by carrying my cross. (26-27) Jesus is talking about overcoming death forever. Just as Jesus rose from the dead after baring his cross, so death will not have power over me. The body will die or be changed. However, I will live forever happily ever after.