BDBD is Luke 10:21-24

What is hidden and what is exposed is the subject of Jesus’s joy through the Holy Spirit. God reveals the truth to whom he chooses when he chooses. The hidden thing that Jesus refers to is Satan falling from heaven as fast as lightning because Jesus gave authority to the laymen evangelists in his care to drive out demons. The Father committed this authority to Jesus and Jesus confirms it to those he chooses. They were not wise and learned. They are his little children.

Jesus’s statement, “No one knows the Son except the Father” is shocking because we Christians say we have a personal relationship with Jesus. Yet, he says none of us knows him. But this is unsurprising when I think about my relationship with my children and wife. I have a personal relationship with them, but I do not know them. I know some things about them, but I do not know their thoughts, I often do not understand the motivation of their actions, and I often wonder what they think. Why do I think these things? Because I really do not know them.

Jesus continues the hidden which he exposes with, “No one knows the Father except the Son and those whom the Son chooses to reveal him” Jesus confirms that he and he alone are the only true source of information about the Father. The Holy Spirit, whom Jesus sent after he ascended into heaven, is in fact the Spirit of Christ. Thus the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, is the one that now reveals the Father to us, and the words of Christ recorded in the Bible are also the way we can learn of the Father, but without the moving of the Holy Spirit in our hearts the words I read would be misinterpreted.